Thursday, March 27, 2014

Love this Update!!

The I Feel the Love Project received a thank you card in the mail this week.  It was from Claire Koreck and her family.  Claire was the March 2013 recipient of the IFTL Project cards.  As you can see on her sign, Claire is now cancer free after battling bone cancer!!

If you think that creating cards for those in need doesn't matter, check out what Claire's mom had to say about Claire receiving the cards from the I Feel the Love Project:
"...I am writing to you to let you know how much those amazing and beautiful hand made cards meant to Claire and our entire family.  They are special, magical, and filled with love, and we appreciate your kindness more than you could ever know.  We told her that the cards were in a box under her bed so that all those well wishes and prayers would protect her while she slept. They are still there!"
It is an amazing feeling to know that the card you donate can have that much impact on a sick child's life.  This is all the inspiration I need to continue to send cards to our recipients each month and I hope this message from Claire's mom has inspired you to join us as we create handcrafted cards for those in need of love and support.

For those of you who don't know how the I feel the Love Project works, we choose a monthly recipient to receive handcrafted cards from individuals all over the world.  To see some of our previous honorees, click HERE.  We have been sending handcrafted cards to individuals and groups since June of 2011.  It is our goal to be able to expand our efforts to include sending gift cards.  We would like to be able to send parents of hospitalized children to lunch, or help them with gas money... We also envision sending gift cards to others who are reeling from a natural disaster.  

We cannot do this without your help.  We rely completely on donations from caring individuals like you.  The IFTL Project is run entirely by volunteers and thus there are no paid staff members.  Donated funds go to help offset the cost of postage, which is one of the biggest monthly expenses, as well as the cost of running the project (i.e., filing fees, advertising, website...). For the past two and a half years, this project has been funded almost entirely by the President, Madison Womack, and her family.  Due to the fact that the project is growing, additional funds are needed to keep it going and growing!!

With that, I am pleased to announce that the IFTL Project finally received the letter that we have been waiting for since August of 2012!  It is official, the I Feel the Love Project is now a tax exempt, 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.  We are over the moon with this as it will now make it possible for us to start fundraising efforts with this status.

(click to enlarge)

We would appreciate it if you could spread the word. Perhaps you can share this information with friends on your social media sites. There may be individuals out there who may not participate by sending in a handcrafted card, but perhaps these same people would consider sending $5 to further our cause.

If you would like to make a donation to the I Feel the Love Project, click on the icon below:

or send a check payable to "I Feel the Love Project"

I Feel the Love Project
c/o Madison Womack
P.O. Box 1203
Atascadero, CA  93423


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