Monday, August 15, 2011

First Week of School for Kate:)

Welcome to Funky Cards
Update on Kate McRae

Olivia, Kate, Will McRae

This information comes from today's journal entry in Kate Mcrae's journal, The Caring Bridge.  It was written by Kate's mom, Holly.

"Kate finished the entire week of school last week. She didn't ask the nurse for Zofran once, and never left early. She was all smiles when we would drop her off, and tired smiles when she came home. 

Kate asked me last week to read a book to her class. She appropriately picked one called "The Great Katie Kate tackles questions about cancer". So one morning I sat with her sweet 1st grade class all crowded around and read the story of a little girl with cancer. Not the stories I used to dream of reading. But she was there and enjoying the moment none the less. The book briefly touched on cancer, and it's various treatments. I refused to cry, and thankfully my will won out that day. 

There was then time for a few questions... well a few turned into quite a few. And questions turned into stories, many about broken bones. And then there were the innocent questions I could so appreciate. Many the questions with no answers "How did she get cancer?" and others like "Why doesn't she have hair?" Only one comment about dying. I chose to address it though, as I think about it daily. Thankfully Kate did not even flinch. She has thought about it her fair share too. 

So it was a sweet time. And Kate ended the time by standing up and taking her hat off. I guess she wanted the surprise over with. She stood boldly and we all commented how great she looked. She was smiles when I left. Smiles not hidden under a hat.

So a great week for the kids. Little tougher on mom, but so is to be expected. The great week ended by noticing a tremor in Kate's left hand on Saturday night, and changes in her voice. Needless to say, it brought with it much undesired emotion. A tremor in her other hand was what initially got her diagnosed with a massive tumor on the left side of her brain. And the recurrence was on the right. I felt horrifically sick. Nightmares that night. We stayed home yesterday so I could watch her closely as with her previous treatments and her current one she is at increased risk for bleeding on her brain, stroke etc. Thankfully the tremor was no where to be found yesterday. But a hefty reminder of the battle she faces."

I was asked by some of you to find out about some of Kate's favorite things so that you could incorporate them into your cards.  Kate's mom shared with me that Kate's favorite color is pink and that she loves dogs, animals, and rainbows among other things:)

Thanks for stopping by!

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